* Over the lifespan of 50 reuses, EINFACH MEHRWEG (500ml) generated 91% less waste compared to 50 single-use packages.


our small EINFACH MERHWEG packaging (500ml) emits less CO2e emissions compared to single-use plastic packaging.  


our EINFACH MEHRWEG packaging (1200ml) emits less CO2e emissions compared to single-use paper packaging.

* Please note that all the numbers are based on the results of our comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) from 2023, which is ISO 14040/14044 conform and verified by Bureau Veritas. You can find the LCA here

In July 2024 we will publish our first Impact Report 2023. Sign up here to receive the report upon its release.

We are drowning in waste

By 2050 plastics could outweigh the fish in the ocean (1)

If current practices continue, plastics could outweigh fish in the ocean by 2050. With 95% of plastics discarded after one use, our ecosystems are being overwhelmed with waste.

In the EU half of marine litter consists of packaging waste (2)

The packaging industry produces more and more packaging each year, fueling the linear economy and increasing single-use packaging waste.

Every person in the EU generates 188,7 kg of packaging waste (3)

In 2021, the EU generated 84 million tonnes of packaging waste, with only 64% being recycled. The rest is burned, exported, or lands in nature. Germany generated 236.7 kg of packaging waste per person.

Of 14,8 billion takeaway packaging used in 2023, only 1,6% were reusables in Germany (4)

The takeaway sector produces significant amounts of short-lived single-use waste, which increases annually. The situation in the rest of Europe is even worse, with even higher levels of single-use waste generation. New legal frameworks in Germany and the EU aim to reduce this problem. 


At sykell, we are making reusable packaging the norm, harmonising with nature and people. By revolutionising reusable packaging and integrating the deposit system, we combat plastic pollution and close the loop, because what stays in circulation does not pollute nature.

Our sustainable business model reflects our commitment to high ecological and social standards in all activities. For us, sustainability is not just a buzzword. We view sustainability as a transformative process, striving for high standards and transparency while managing our entire value chain ethically.


Commitmenting to sustainability and transPARENCY in the value chain

We conduct annual surveys with partners to evaluate our social and environmental impact, ensuring transparency throughout the extended supply chain. We prioritize selecting new partners who meet our defined sustainability criteria, ensuring alignment with our standards. Access our Code of Conduct for more details: Code of Conduct

establishing socially and ecologically compatible value chain

All our direct partners, from production to washing, are based in Germany. We plan to expand washing facilities to additional locations as operations grow, reducing transport distances. Our Environmental Policy and Social Policy guide our commitment to sustainability, ensuring we meet our responsibilities to employees, consumers, and supply chain workers.


Our system facilitates a shift towards sustainable consumer behaviour by offering a convenient solution to reduce single-use packaging waste. We prioritize educating consumers on sustainable practices, and empowering them to make eco-friendly choices. Through our convenient reuse system, with common return points like RVMs, consumers seamlessly adopt environmentally conscious habits. This educational approach fosters long-term responsible behaviour change, promoting a culture of reuse and responsible consumption. Our efforts extend to fostering greater participation in sustainability initiatives across FMCG sectors and cultivating a sense of collective environmental stewardship. Additionally, by reducing packaging waste, we contribute to cleaner communities, less litter, and enhanced aesthetics of public spaces, ultimately improving residents' well-being.  



We manage our containers throughout their lifecycle minimising resource waste and always keep ownership - from automated return to logistics in reusable secondary transport boxes to washing and repacking. We focus on the maximisation of reuse because with each reuse the ecological benefits increase. Our containers are made from 100% recyclable polypropylene (PP), ensuring efficient recycling at end-of-life and the recirculation of the recycled into PP granules.

We offer our CIRCULAR ERP to manage EINFACH MEHRWEG and to support other companies in managing reusable assets, promoting a circular economy and reducing waste.

To better understand our operations have a look behind the scenes of EINFACH MEHRWEG



Uses reusable secondary packaging for transportation.

Energy-efficient, water-saving washing facilities.

Solar energy powers washing operations.

Closed water circulation during production.

Aim to integrate all five Profimiet locations in Germany for reduced transport, as volume increase.

CIRCULAR ERP software runs on renewable energy servers.


Tracks the location and usage stage of each packaging item.

Measures circulation numbers and emissions precisely.

Enables efficient emissions reduction. We ensure high standards and minimal resource use in our reusable packaging system.

Products Made in Germany

All containers and cups manufactured locally for close quality oversight.

Certified production facility (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001).

External recycling of polypropylene production scrap.

100% Recyclability

Made of mono-material polypropylene (PP), ensuring easy recyclability.

Packaging recycled into PP granules at end of lifecycle by partner.


Meets the highest food contact standards.

BPA-free and free from harmful substances.

Ensures safe food storage.

Daily laboratory tests for hygienic quality.


Return via Germany’s “DPG Pfandsystem” at reverse vending machines.

Centralized collection of used Einfach Mehrweg packaging.

Integrated into current procurement and logistical network.

life cycle assessment of einfach mehrweg

In 2023, We conducted a comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for our products to understand the ecological impact of EINFACH MEHRWEG, based on our 2023 operations. The LCA was conducted according to the ISO 14040 / 14044 standard and was verified by Bureau Veritas. For the calculation, we mainly used primary data from direct partners, gathered thought targeted surveys, databases, and some assumptions.


• Comparing one EINFACH MEHRWEG packaging over 50 cycles to 50 same-volume single-use plastic or paper packaging.
• The calculation assumes a 95 % return rate.
• Production with transport to warehouse and to points of sale.
• Consumers rinse packaging, return it, and it undergoes washing.
• No environmental impact is allocated for end-of-life waste due to 100% recycling; recycling process enables the reuse of raw materials
• Assessing GHG emissions, water consumption, and waste generation

For the comparative LCA, we analysed environmental impacts throughout all stages of the product life cycle and assessed various single-use packaging alternatives used in similar scenarios to EINFACH MEHRWEG.

Our comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) from 2023 can be found here. The LCA has been critically reviewed and certified by Bureau Veritas, the certificate can be found here.


In line with our commitment to transparency and accountability, we are pleased to announce the upcoming release of our annual Impact Report in July 2024.

In this report, we aim to follow the European Union’s CSRD Reporting standard within our scope. This report highlights our efforts to reduce our environmental footprint through innovative packaging and strategic partnerships.

We inform stakeholders, including customers and the global community, about our business operations, sustainability endeavours, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ESG performance. We transparently share our practices, successes, and ongoing challenges and promote collaboration in our continuous journey toward sustainability.

We eagerly anticipate sharing our progress and insights when the report is published in July 2024. Sign up here to receive the report upon its release.


In 2023, Sykell’s “EINFACH MEHRWEG” reusable system received the “Blauer Engel” eco-label from Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke for its resource-saving reusable to-go system for food and beverages. 

EINFACH MEHRWEG meets all necessary criteria

Designed to endure a minimum of 500 washing cycles and reuses

Uses recyclable mono-material (Polypropylene) that is environmentally benign

BPA and pollutant-free.100% recyclable

Encourages returns with a deposit system (€2.5, €2, €1)

Maintains ownership of products to track their usage stage

Ensures recycling at the end of their lifecycle

Centralized collection and industrial washing of products

Ongoing optimizations planned to enhance ecological operations


We have conducted a materiality analysis based on the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to identify the most critical sustainability issues for our company. This analysis considers Sykell’s current and potential impacts on the SDGs, as well as the significance and relevance of these goals to our stakeholders.

SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Design reusable containers compatible with common reverse vending machines.

Expand RVM infrastructure for reusable packaging.

Introduce CIRCULAR ERP for managing reverse logistics

Implement QR code serialization for traceability and data tracking.

SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Promote sustainable consumption through Sykell’s reusable options.

Collaborate with partners who adhere to our Code of Conduct.

Certified EINFACH MEHRWEG packaging with the “Blauer Engel” eco-label.

Certified EINFACH MEHRWEG packaging with the “Blauer Engel” eco-label.

SDG 13 - Climate Action

Reduce single-use plastics, emissions, and waste.

Utilize renewable energy at our washing partner locations.

Conduct regular Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) for continuous improvement.

Track circulations and measure impacts to adapt strategies.

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Establish long-term partnerships to create efficient reuse networks.

Connect key actors in the reuse sphere for reverse logistics.

Pursue synergies and cooperation with various stakeholders.

Reduce single-use plastics, emissions, and waste.


Over the past months, we have focused on assessing the ecological impact of Sykell and our EINFACH MEHRWEG products. This included conducting a comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in accordance with the ISO 14040 Standard for our seven EINFACH MEHRWEG products, alongside evaluating our Company Carbon Footprint. Our primary objectives were to fulfill impact reporting requirements set by our Article 9 investors CGV, understand and enhance our ecological footprint, and compile a comprehensive impact report for 2023.


We identified and quantified all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with our activities according to the GHG Protocol, covering Scope 1 (direct emissions), Scope 2 (indirect emissions from purchased energy), and Scope 3 (indirect emissions from upstream and downstream activities).

This year marks our first assessment, establishing a GHG baseline for future reduction strategies and targets.The carbon footprint was internally calculated using the “Carbon Footprint Tool” from Footprint Firm ApS. As Sykell operates without its own facilities, relying instead on a network of partners for all operations, our direct emissions in Scopes 1 and 2 are minimal. Consequently, 99% of our emissions are categorized under Scope 3 within our value chain, totalling 628.3 t CO2e emitted.


In 2023, our inaugural year of operation, the primary source of emissions stemmed from the production and development of EINFACH MEHRWEG packaging. This encompassed initial manufacturing, one-time purchases, and ongoing testing and development endeavors.

Moving forward, our focus is on reducing production emissions through decreased new production and increased product reuse. As we expand, emissions associated with washing and transportation may rise, but overall production emissions are anticipated to decrease.

We are committed to our goal of reducing emissions per cycle within our reuse system. However, achieving an overall emissions reduction during our growth phase presents challenges.

our scope 3 emissionS

EINFACH MEHRWEG related emissions: 559  t CO2e

CIRCULAR ERP related emissions: 19 t CO2e

Company related emissions: 45 t CO2e



Enhancing data collection for Scopes 1 and 2 emissions

Reducing Scope 2 emissions by minimizing electricity consumption in offices, optimizing heating systems, and collaborating with our shared office manager to transition to renewable energy

Utilizing renewable energy sources in washing and production facilities

Expanding the number of washing facilities to shorten transportation distances

Collaborating with logistics partners that operate electric vehicle fleets

Developing science-based reduction targets to establish a realistic roadmap towards climate neutrality

Phasing out single-use packaging across the Sykell value chain

Strengthening our focus on the CIRCULAR ERP service for low-emission operations

Reducing the need for production by prioritizing reuse initiatives